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Online courses

You won’t learn by watching⎹ Should you pay for materials?⎹ MOOC providers⎹ Free recommendations

You won’t learn by watching

You won’t learn by watching only, that is. You can easily fall into the trap of thinking you are learning. Video courses may look good, but they tell in 50 minutes what can be read in 10. If you find yourself watching idly without exercising, move on!

Should you pay for materials?

I’m sure there are paid courses worth their asking price but consider them for reasons beyond didactics. If you your resume looks empty, note that Udemy, for example, lets you link digital certificates to your LinkedIn profile. Just make sure your certificates, digital or not, are backed up by real skills.

MOOC providers

MOOCs, or Massive open online courses, such as Khan Academy, Codeacademy, or Coursera are all good for learning IT skills, but Udemy has the widest choice of technical writing courses, specifically.

Free recommendations

Apart from non-paid materials on the MOOCs mentioned (there are some, check them out!) and software documentation/tutorials, it’s wherever Google takes you, really. Not to leave you empty-handed, though: the resources below – for their specific purpose – are better than many paid materials out there.

Technical writing:




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